Where Index funds belong in your portfolio

The core of your portfolio should be a total stock market index fund or S&P 500 fund. This fund is relatively stable and won’t drop as much as some individual stocks. You could include utility stocks and communications stocks in this category as well, but these large cap index funds are composed mostly of largeContinue reading “Where Index funds belong in your portfolio”

Rule # 1 of Investing Debunked

Investing is not just about making money. It’s about making more money than you lose. One of Warren Buffet’s famous quote is about rule #1 of investing which states never lose money. This is true under certain conditions and investing strategies, but every one knows that if you invest in 10 individual stocks, 5 mayContinue reading “Rule # 1 of Investing Debunked”

Rich people play the money game to win

Rich people play the money game to win and poor people play the money game not to lose, but it’s a spectrum. I recently read The Millionaire Fastlane when I ran across this principle, but I realized that there is actually a middle ground. It’s for those that are in the getting rich slowly lane.Continue reading “Rich people play the money game to win”

The Market Cycle

  I recently read Robert Kiyosaki’s, the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, recent article about the seven stages of a financial bubble which was first mentioned in Nobel Laureate Hyman Minsky’s 1982 book titled Can It Happen Again. The seven stages of a financial bubble as Robert Kiyosaki stated in his post are AContinue reading “The Market Cycle”

Where To Put Your Emergency Fund

Having a 3-6 month Emergency fund is one of the best financial moves to makes. Some people even have a 1-2 year Emergency fund which I think is overkill, but to each his own and everyone has their own reasonings and unique circumstances. 

When Not To Max Out Your 401K

I recently read a post on the small investor’s site about why you should not max out your 401K. The article stated that if you make under 100K you should not max out your 401K because you will not have enough money to fund a decent emergency fund, contribute to an HSA and fund aContinue reading “When Not To Max Out Your 401K”

Cryptocurrency For The FIRE Minded Investor

Introduction: Cryptocurrency has become a controversial and widely discussed topic within the realm of investing. While it has gained more acceptance among the millennial and younger generations, it has often been shunned by Generation X and older investors. However, as I have previously discussed in my post on investment strategies, I believe that allocating aContinue reading “Cryptocurrency For The FIRE Minded Investor”

The Perils of Micro Investing

Micro Investing is a great way to gain exposure to the stock market with as little as $1. Options for micro investing include acorn, stash, stockpile, M1 Finance and many more. You can use these websites and applications to invest in individual stocks or ETF’s. Some charge fees as little as 1- 2$ a monthContinue reading “The Perils of Micro Investing”

The FIRE Movement

What is the FIRE movement all about. It stands for “Financial Independence Retire Early” and it has a strong following called the fire community. Now I’m going to dive into what the FIRE movement isn’t by discussing Suze Orman’s interview with Paula Pant of the afford anything podcast