It’s Nothing But a Nest Egg

Life is about relationships and time. Time is how we grow and cherish those relationships. Whether it’s our relationship with God, family or friends at the end of it all this is what matters in life. It’s not our career, money or fame. This begs the question how can we get more time to spendContinue reading “It’s Nothing But a Nest Egg”

Rule # 1 of Investing Debunked

Investing is not just about making money. It’s about making more money than you lose. One of Warren Buffet’s famous quote is about rule #1 of investing which states never lose money. This is true under certain conditions and investing strategies, but every one knows that if you invest in 10 individual stocks, 5 mayContinue reading “Rule # 1 of Investing Debunked”

How to Generate Passive Income

Passive income is indeed real and in this article I want to discuss the differences between active and passive income and how to obtain passive income. Active income is obtained by trading time for money and passive income is achieved by trading minimal to no time for money. I call trading minimal time for moneyContinue reading “How to Generate Passive Income”

The Royal Rumble With Mr. Market

There are so many recommendations, stock tips and forecasting in the market right now that it will make your head spin. What is needed more than anything right now is patience and persistence. Stick to your investment plan and maintain your emergency fund.

Rich people play the money game to win

Rich people play the money game to win and poor people play the money game not to lose, but it’s a spectrum. I recently read The Millionaire Fastlane when I ran across this principle, but I realized that there is actually a middle ground. It’s for those that are in the getting rich slowly lane.Continue reading “Rich people play the money game to win”

How to Pay For College

College will likely cost between $60K and 100K a year in the next 20 years. This is based on the projected 3% yearly increase from the current average cost of $25K for public universities and $40K for private universities. The cost would increase to $240k and $400K respectively for a public and private college education.Continue reading “How to Pay For College”

Where To Put Your Emergency Fund

Having a 3-6 month Emergency fund is one of the best financial moves to makes. Some people even have a 1-2 year Emergency fund which I think is overkill, but to each his own and everyone has their own reasonings and unique circumstances. 

When Not To Max Out Your 401K

I recently read a post on the small investor’s site about why you should not max out your 401K. The article stated that if you make under 100K you should not max out your 401K because you will not have enough money to fund a decent emergency fund, contribute to an HSA and fund aContinue reading “When Not To Max Out Your 401K”